Basic information

Several information about our snakes breeding ...

Dear friends,
I am interested in breeding of Boa snakes for 20 years. That is why we have a lot of practical experience and knowledge.

We are ordinary breeders, who take care about these animals just for our pleasure and we do it like a hobby and not for profit.

From the past we had experience with these snake species:

Acrantophis dumerili, Boa constrictor Guyana, Longicauda, Sabogae, Boa constrictor imperator Cancun, Sonora, Tarahumara, Corn Island, Hog Island, Cay Caulker, Crawl Cay, Honduras, Nicaragua and Ecuador ... Minulost .

In present we breed these species:

Epicrates cenchria cenchria, Epicrates cenchria crassus, Epicrates cenchria alvarezi ... Náš chov .

During years we have successfully bred hundreds of babies Boa constrictor and Epicrates cenchria.

We provided babies of Boa constrictor to Mr. Klaus Bonny (Germany) and babies of Epicrates cenchria cenchria to Mr. Stefan Broghammer (Germany).

Our snakes (adults and even babies) are used to daily human contact and because of that they are non-agressive and do not attack.

We always offer healthy babies in perfect condition. We provide only snake babies which are allready eating live or dead prey alone. We also give them with correctly identified sex.

For each baby you recieve document with proof of handover.

All photos published on this website were taken by digital camera SONY DSC - F 828 and SONY DSC - HX 100V. Images were taken with and some without flash. We did not additionally adjust any colours of babies and breeding snakes photos.

All photos show snakes which we bred in the past or which we still have in breeding.

All photos on this website are copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.

If you are interested in some of our babies Nabídka , please contact us ... .

Dan & Mirka

© D&M Boas
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